Education company EVERFI has partnered with Alliance for Lifetime income, so that the Rolling Stones could help music and entertainment industry workers plan for their financial futures—many of whom were forced to manage without paychecks during the pandemic as concerts and venues shuttered.

Tom Davidson, CEO and Founder of EVERFI, and Steve Ellis, co-managing partner at The Rise Fund talk about Impact as a Service and how EVERFI’s software helps companies make a social impact.

Ray Martinez, President and Co-founder of EVERFI, explains how EVERFI is giving students and families the tools to understand and plan for their financial futures.
“A few years ago we were unsure whether financial education worked, now we know that it does, and the results are powerful.”

Nick Fuller, EVERFI’s President (International), said: “We know from research that compassion enhances our overall well-being and our capacity to learn.”
“Our hope, in launching the first UK course on compassion for primary pupils, is to help create a more equal society by providing young people with life skills that prepare them for a happier, safer and more resilient future.”

Education company EVERFI has launched two free digital courses for UK primary pupils, following their huge success in the US.
The two courses, Vault and The Compassion Project, teach young people aged between 11 and 14 years old valuable life skills including how to manage their future finances and how to practise compassion.

Education company EVERFI has launched two free digital courses for secondary students in the UK, following their huge success in the US.
The two courses, Ignition and Endeavour, teach young people aged between 11 and 14 years old valuable life skills including how to stay safe online and how to explore careers in science, technology.

Nick Fuller, President (International) of EVERFI EdComs, says schools are increasingly being encouraged to teach young people methods of managing everyday life, to support them to be self-sufficient and to give them the chance to practise these essential skills.
“Fundamentally, there has been a shift from learning knowledge to learning skills,” he says. “We must all be able to protect our physical and mental health, to manage money, to understand and make balanced decisions around risk and risky behaviours, to work not only individually, but also as part of a team and community.”

Jon Chapman, Founder and President of EVERFI: “We are able to immediately offer courses to a limitless number of learners and in a scalable fashion that creates a unique impact as compared to non-digital methods. Our content advances the social good and works well within business and education environments.”

Jon Chapman, Founder and President of EVERFI tells The EdTech Podcast how excited EVERFI and EdComs are to become one organisation bringing online courses to the UK market.

Nick Fuller, President (International) of EVERFI EdComs, writes in PR Week about how COVID-19 poses one of the biggest challenges sports brands have ever faced, but argues that with innovation, brands can build an even larger fan-base – and one more loyal to them than before.
Nick Fuller, President (International) of EVERFI EdComs, tells the magazine of the Chartered Institute of Marketing that sports brands can still recreate the thrill of the match in an empty stadium. “With just a little innovation and technology on their side, sports brands can get close to recreating the immersive fan experience we’ve come to expect,” he says.

Kathryn McColl, Director of research, consultancy and insight at EVERFI EdComs, writes in Board Agenda about how businesses can ensure social purpose is part of their short, medium and long-term strategy.

Nick Fuller, President (International) of EVERFI EdComs, writes in SportsPro that “Covid has certainly disrupted our sector, but technology – itself always a disrupter of the status quo – has reconfigured the sport-home-school dynamic in this unprecedented period of lockdown and social distancing”. He argues that, in some ways, this has been for the better.

Ray Martinez, President and Co-founder of EVERFI, says one of the best ways businesses can respond to social inequality is to sponsor a course like Vault. “Our financial institutions, and so many others, play a key role in developing financial confidence in young people,” Martinez says. “Not only does sponsoring a course like this help provide a long-term solution to one of the thorniest challenges in our society, but it ultimately makes for more knowledgeable financial consumers as well.”

This article looks at one of our courses, The Compassion Project, which has already had huge success in the US. Jeff Weiner, Executive Chairman of LinkedIn, who came up with the idea for the course, says:“Given the state of the world today and how much polarisation is taking place at a time when we actually need to be coming together to solve some of the world’s most challenging problems, I’m not sure I can think of anything more important than teaching our kids compassion.”

This piece looks at our Ignition course. Jon Chapman, President and Co-founder of EVERFI, EVERFI EdComs’ parent company, says corporate leaders have an opportunity to be pioneers when it comes to young people’s online safety. Equipping young people with the skills to safely and resiliently navigate the virtual world is one of “the most powerful and important ways any business can invest in the future”, he says.

Read the opinion piece by our President (International), Nick Fuller, in the Financial Times. Nick explains how EVERFI EdComs is taking some of the thorniest challenges of our time and creating digital courses that are engaging and informative for young people. We then partner with businesses to make these courses free for schools across the UK.

“Over time, EVERFI has amassed more than 3,000 strategic partners from LinkedIn to the NFL.”

“From teaching financial literacy to addressing unconscious bias or sexual violence, EVERFI helps individuals and organizations tackle their thorniest challenges.”

“EVERFI’s ‘AlcoholEdu for College’ course, which first debuted in 2000, has been taken by more than 10 million students, including more than 1/3 of all college first-year students who now take it each fall as a requirement for matriculation. How on earth did a course on alcohol abuse prevention become the largest course on the World Wide Web, you might ask? The answer is a very timely lesson about how to ensure online education is engaging and effective in the age of Covid-19.”

“The Covid pandemic has underscored the inequities that exist in society, which make quality education inaccessible for many young people. EVERFI’s courses are designed to offer a new dimension to young people’s learning and give students the knowledge, skills and confidence needed to tackle these problems and move ahead in life.”

Dubai: In light of the Covid pandemic, ninety-five percent of teachers feel that businesses have a responsibility to support education and fill this gap in learning. This is according to an in-depth study that EVERFI Middle East ran with almost 50 teachers in the UAE at the end of 2020. The goal of the study was to identify how business education partnerships could help tackle societal issues that continue to alienate many young people from educational and economic engagement.

Education researchers rarely agree. But on one thing, at least, they are unanimous: the pandemic has widened the gulf in educational attainment between disadvantaged pupils and their privileged classmates and exposed deep inequalities in our education system.

Nick Fuller, President of EVERFI International, an education company working with businesses, government and charities to deliver technology-based products and bespoke educational engagement campaigns, explains how marketers can help reduce the inequality faced by disadvantaged young people.

More than seven in 10 UK consumers are worried about the impact the pandemic has had on young people’s financial futures, research commissioned by education company EVERFI has found.

Oprah and Jeff Weiner, the executive chairman of LinkedIn, discussed his work with The Compassion Project, an initiative to provide compassion education, in collaboration with EVERFI. The Compassion Project’s mission is to ensure that every student learns how to apply compassion to their everyday lives through Social Emotional Learning (SEL).

In an interview for EVERFI from Blackbaud, the Stakeholder Engagement Manager for London Gatwick, Melanie Wrightson, talks about their “Decade of Change’ strategy, how educating the next generation of young people locally is important to them, and how they are doing it.