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Changing behaviours around sun safety Changing behaviours around sun safety

Changing behaviours around sun safety

The Boots Soltan Sun Ready education programme promotes positive sun safety habits in children aged 4-11, helping to tackle the increasing prevalence of preventable malignant melanomas and other skin cancers among young people, and positioning Soltan as a leader in this market.

The programme reaches children, teachers and parents, providing credible and up-to-date information about sun safety. EVERFI created a microsite with fun and educational activities, including an app that really brings sun safety to life with augmented reality characters and interactive challenges.

Our marketing campaign included promoting Sun Safety packs for primary schools, which included sun cream, stickers and school certificates. All 1,000 packs were snapped up within 24 hours. The programme achieved ‘highly commended’ for Best Education Programme, at the Corporate Engagement Awards 2017 and Gold at the EVCOM Clarion Awards 2016.