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Power up your social impact

You might call it CSR, ESG, or social purpose. We call it making a difference.

We’re world leaders in education-based corporate social impact.

Education is a driver of social change; we use its power to create impact for adults and children – whether they’re your employees, their families, your customers, or the wider community surrounding your business.

How can I address real issues for my community?

How can I involve my employees?

How do I show we’re making a difference?

Whatever your questions, we have the expertise and the solutions to help your organisation achieve your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) goals while engaging your employees in meaningful social impact.

Change the world through education

From choosing the right programme to delivering it to your audience, our team helps you create meaningful impact through your CSR, ESG, or social purpose programme.


Looking for a scalable and ready-to-market programme?

Your organisation can make rapid and meaningful impact by offering our digital, interactive courses free of cost to employees, customers, or to children in schools across the UK. Our courses cover a range of topics and are designed by education experts to create behaviour change, with built-in impact measurement.

Help your community thrive

Start making a difference today.